NEDDICK DAWN ![]() click on image for enlargement |
us when we view asunrise by the sea Quietly, the cold, restless waves grow still; the chooner’s white sails shift to pale gold.Here, no footprints mar the freshly fallen snow ashore for the lightkeeper has not yet had a visitor this morning. But he is clearly expectingyou—his home on the hill beckons with a warm,comforting glow and a bright light shines in theboathouse. |
Paper edition: 950 s/n Image size: 33 x 181/2 Price: $199.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM ARTIST'S PROOF AVAILABLE PRICE: $299 return to artist proof list |
![]() click on image for enlargement Countersigned by James B. Stockdale, Vice Admiral, United States Navy, Retired |
Paper edition: 750 s/n Image size: 21 1/16 x 29 1/8 Price: $395.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM ARTIST'S PROOF AVAILABLE PRICE: $495.00 return to artist proof list |
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Bill Phillips’ portrayal of Army
helicoptersagainst a backdrop
Heidelberg Castle is as much symbolic as literal.His work depicts afly-by of a UH-1H “Huey” andaUH-60 “Blackhawk.” Yet the real story is toldby the artist in these words: “The army’s newest helicopter, the ‘Blackhawk,’ begins a turn toward the viewer and into the action of future events.In the background, the ‘Huey” flies a steady course into the pages ofhistory.” |
Paper edition: 500 s/n Image size: 19 x 16 Price: $395.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM ARTIST'S PROOF AVAILABLE PRICE: $525.00 return to artist proof list |
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In June, 1968, the aircraft carrier America
took up her position in
dangerous aters.Seen here launchingan F-4, while an A-4 prepares to launch, the U.S.S.America begins her tour of duty off the coast of Vietnam.On her deck are an A-3 Skywarrior (in front ofthe island) and two RA-5’s. A cruiser and a destroyer stand in the background.Above four A-4’s fly information while an HC-7 Seaspritehelicopter transits between the cruiser and the America. |
Paper edition: 850 s/n Image size: 36 1/2 x 19 Price: Please call 800-477-6449 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM MasterworkCanvas edition: 150 s/n Image size: 40 x 20 Price: $850.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM return to artist proof list |
CHOCTAW AFTERNOON![]() Click on Image for Enlargement |
Never destined to win a beauty pageant, the Choctaw’s good looks were always in the eyes of the beholder. And in the Sikorsky UH-34, the Marines found their girl. Affectionately called the “Huss,” the Choctaw went ashore as part of the first Marine aircraft unit in the Republic of Vietnam in 1962 and served in country until April, 1969. Here a pair of UH-34’s ply the skies over South Vietnam on an assault support mission ferrying troops and supplies. | Paper edition: 250 s/n Image size: 9 x 12 Price: $95.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM Small Work canvas:Edition 75 s/n Canvas size: 9 x 12 Price: $225.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM |
WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE ![]() click on image for enlargement |
The young man in the car could be heading to a family celebration or on his
way to play cards with the boys,” Phillips says. “I’ll leave his destination up to you…but I wouldn’t be surprised if he were going to see his girlfriend…with a small package that contains a very special gift |
Paper edition: 1500 s/n Image size: 33 x 18 1/4 Price: $225.00 Ships in 7 to 10 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM Giclee canvas:Edition limited to 175 s/n Canvas size: 32 x 16 Price: $595.00 (Low inventory) Ships in 7 to 10 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM return to artist proof list |
Christmas Eve at the
Inn The second of the Inns at Christmas Series click on image to enlarge |
With newly fallen snow covering the landscape
around the Winchester Inn, Mike, the innkeeper,sets out
on his annual Christmas Eve rounds. After hitching his team to the inn’s ancient sleigh, he bundles two large sacks of gifts destined for the neighborhood children. Gift giving is a Christmas tradition enjoyed over the holidays by the inn’s many visitors.The Winchester Inn, nestled among the Cotswold Hills in Phillips Bay, dates back to the early 1880s.The Winchester is known far and wide for its warm and friendly atmosphere, wonderful rooms and sumptuous meals, making it the perfect place to spend Christmas Eve. |
Giclee canvas:Edition limited to 250 s/n Canvas size: 22 x 16 Price: $695.00 (Low inventory) Ships in 7 to 10 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM |
Christmas Eve at the Awhnee The 4th of the Inn series Click on image to enlarge |
As the fourth in the “Inns of Christmas”
series, William S. Phillips captures the spirit of the season, as well
as a glimpse of Santa, with Christmas Eve at the Ahwahnee. Christmas
magic has created collector magic,making Sold Out editions of Christmas
Eve Delivery, Christmas Eve at the Winchester Inn and Winter Visitors
at Kringle Hill Inn. Imagine Santa’s joy while flying over our national treasure of Yosemite National Park and arriving at the majestic Ahwahnee Hotel. This National Historical Landmark represents the great American outdoors and is known for its granite façade, striking beamed ceilings, massive stone hearths and richly colored Native American artwork. Although beautiful and elegant in any season, the Ahwahnee is especially stunning in winter. Each December, the Ahwahnee hosts The Bracebridge Dinner, a feast of food, song and mirth. The holiday season, with its great pageantry and a sumptuous feast fit for a king, is an event even Santa wouldn’t miss. |
Canvas Edition Size: 20 x 15 Edition size: 250 Price: $450.00 Ships in 3 to 5 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM |
on the 8th![]() Click on image to enlarge |
To the dedicated golfer, a day without golf is hardly a day at all. Imagining Christmas for these enthusiasts, Bill Phillips created Christmas on the Eighth, a charming holiday tribute to those most loyal of hobbyists. “I expect that if they were really into it they would have gone out, cleared the snow off the greens and played a round of golf,” says the artist. At the end of the eighth hole, though, it’s nice to have a warm, cheery house to which to return. |
Edition Size: 12 x 9 Edition size: 300 Price: $235.00 FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM |
CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS![]() Click on image to enlarge |
Against a golden sunset, a Sikorsky VS-44 approaches the harbor at Phillips Bay. As the brisk night air descends on this first night of December, Santa Claus arrives at the Watchman Hill Inn, heralded by two men in Revolutionary War dress and the traditional firing of the cannon. During the Revolutionary War, a citizens’ militia kept watch over the Outer Bay from the hill. If they spied British ships on the horizon, the cannon’s voice would alert the townsfolk to prepare a defense. These days, the sounding of the cannon is a cause for merriment. The holiday season in Phillips Bay is filled with the traditional joys of colored lights, caroling, feasting and church services, accompanied by a fresh blanket of snow. | Canvas: 200 s/n Image size: 24 x 12 Price: $450.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM |
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at the Gate captures a rare moment from 1939 aviation history: the
amazing California Clipper in the late afternoon sunlight above the spectacular San Francisco countryside and the newly opened Golden Gate Bridge.“The 314 Clipper was one of Boeing’s famous and luxurious Flying Boats,” says Phillips “and it represents the finest aspects in the romance of flight.I wanted to preserve this exciting chapter in aviation history and recognize the pioneer spirit of Pan American Airways.” |
Paper edition: 850 s/n Image size: 13 3/8 x 20 Price: Please call 800-477-6449 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM ARTIST'S PROOF AVAILABLE PRICE: $450.00 return to artist proof list |
HEAD ![]() click on image for enlargement |
On August 6, 1940, Germany mounted a massive
air attack on Great
Britain.The Germans reasoned that
if they could control the sky
over England, the country
would soon fall – as Poland,
Austria and France had
already fallen. What
they had not anticipated was the
fierceness with which the
English took to the skies to do battle.any young English pilots would die preserving the freedom of their country.But by September 15, 1940, their sacrifices would prove not to have been in vain; the English and their allies had repulsed the German takeover. Of Confrontation At Beachy Head Aviation artist Bill Phillips says, “Shrieking over the cliffs of Beachy Head, a Spitfire of No. 92 Squadron and a German BF109E of 9/JG54 engage in a head-on confrontation during the first week of September 1940.This highly contested piece of real estate was to see many similar confrontations during the crucial days between August 6 and September 15, 1940 Who was to obtain the advantage in this confrontation of grim skill?You be the judge.” |
Paper edition: 1000 s/n Image size: 26 1/2 x 21 1/2 Price: $295.00 Ships in 7 to 10 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM ARTIST'S PROOF AVAILABLE PRICE: $350.00 return to artist proof list |
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Paper edition: 950 s/n Image size: 14 3/4 x 19 3/4 Price: $165.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM ARTIST'S PROOF AVAILABLE PRICE: $250.00 return to artist proof list |
RISING SUN ![]() click on image for enlargement |
“This painting contains everything I like about symbolic aviation art.
It’s full of symbolism as two SBD-3s—S-9 and S-11 of VS-5—fly from the
USS 'Yorktown' aircraft carrier against the dark clouds of war and a
rising sun, the symbol of the Japanese empire. In this case, the sun is
symbolic of hope and the dawn of a new day as the tide turns in the
Pacific at the Battle of Midway in June of 1942.
The name of the painting, "Dauntless Against a Rising Sun," was a natural. A SBD dive-bomber was referred to as a “Dauntless” and the two in this painting capture the spirit of the U.S. forces in those dark days after the initial Japanese victories in the Pacific. |
Paper edition: 850 s/n Image size: 32 x 22 Price: $2695.00 Ships in 7 to 10 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM Canvas edition: 100 s/n Image size: 36 x 24 Price: $1250 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM return to artist proof list |
RISING AGAINST SUN ![]() click on image for enlargement (Framing not included in price) |
William S. Phillips revisits the
Dauntless, the standard shipborne
dive-bomber (SBD) of the US Navy for most of World War II. (His 1991 print, Dauntless: Against the Rising Sun, is among Phillips’ most collectible releases.) In this unique-format canvas, perfect for the study or library, three SBD-5s form up, enroute to a target on a morning mission early in 1944 . One of the last squadron’s to operate the SBD was VB-10 and it flew from the carrier USS Enterprise CV-6, the most decorated ship of the Second World War |
Canvas : 150 s/n Image size: 6 x 22 Price: Please call Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM |
DAWN OF THE LIBERATORS![]() click on image for enlargement |
Dawn of the Liberators was
created as a tribute
to the aviators whose bravery contributed to the Allied victory in
World War II. The painting was commissioned as a memorial to artist
Howard Terpning’s brother, First Lieutenant John E. Terpning, who paid
the ultimate price to secure American freedom. First Lieutenant
Terpning was a pilot in the crew of B-24D Bomber 42-20525, which was
lost over New Guinea on May 7, 1944.
As they fly into formation on the way to their targets, two B-24s of the 43rd Bomb Group’s 64th Squadron climb into a Pacific dawn. Although they were historically eclipsed in number by their European counterparts, the B-24 Squadrons of the Asiatic-Pacific theater fought a relentless and determined enemy in an unforgiving environment to ensure safety for the Allied nations |
Canvas: 125 s/n Image size: 12 x 9 Price: $225.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM ARTIST'S PROOF AVAILABLE PRICE: $425.00 |
WORLD FOREVER CHANGED ![]() click on image for enlargement Countersigned by Paul Tibbets, command pilot,"Enola Gay"; Thomas W. Ferebee, bombardier; Theodore J. Van Kirk, navigator; George R. Caron,tail gunner; and Richard H. Nelson, radio operator. |
This limited edition print commemorates the flight of
the Enola Gay and is
countersigned by crew members: Paul Tibbets, command pilot;
Thomas W. Ferebee, bombardier; Theodore J. Van
Kirk, navigator;George R.Caron, tail gunner; and
Richard H. Nelson, radiooperator.Through the memories
of the men who were there, the stories behind the
atomic flights of Enola Gay and Bock’s Car have been uniquely documented in limited edition fine art prints and documentary film.Bock’s Car, done by Craig Kodera as an accompanying piece, makes it a perfect suite. |
Paper edition: 1000 s/n Image size: 20 x 10 Price: $1395.00 Ships in 7 to 10 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM |
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"Christmas with snow and hot apple
Bill, "I think that the cold outside accentuates the welcoming warmth inside." Although he grew up in California, he always dreamed of white Christmases, and with this newest work he includes a sense of peace and happiness after the long years of World War II. |
Paper edition: 1500 s/n Image size: 34 x 18 Price: $195.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM ARTIST'S PROOF AVAILABLE PRICE: $295.00 return to artist proof list |
DENALI SUMMER![]() click on image for enlargement |
Bill Phillips’ new painting Denali Summer features two celebrated icons of the far North: one natural, one man-made. The forbidding and beautiful Alaskan wilds provide the backdrop for the legendary workhorse of the Alaskan bush: a De Havilland Beaver float plane. As the plane roars over the summer tundra, the icy river below rushes and tumbles its contents of glacial silt. On the distant horizon, America’s highest peak dominates the horizon. (Mount McKinley is also known as Denali, or “The High One,” in the language of the local people.) Mount McKinley’s scale is so massive that the mountain actually creates its own weather, and today its peak sparkles in the brilliant sunlight of one of the few cloudless days of the year. | Canvas: 150 s/n Image size: 30 x 22 Price: $725.00 Ships in 2 to 3 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM |
WHERE THE LOVE LIGHT SHINES ![]() click on image for enlargement |
“It’s the holiday season of December 1945 in a small town somewhere in the U.S.,” says artist’s William S. Phillips. “The celebration is even more special this year because the war is finally over and the three generations of the family I’ve been portraying in my previous paintings 'If Only in My Dreams' and 'A Christmas Leave, When Dreams Come True' are finally reunited for good.” The son, who has been fighting in the war, walks up the steps to his grandparents’ home with his fiancée, followed by the loyal dog that waited for him in "If Only in My Dreams" and rode with him on his way to propose marriage in "A Christmas Leave." The Beechcraft Staggerwing in the distance, the classiest of classic planes, found years of post-war service in civilian transport. William S. Phillips completes one pilot’s story in this seasonal, nostalgic painting from his American Homefront Series in which the change in mood and direction of the war is reflected at home as the series progresses. | Paper edition: 1500 s/n Image size: 14 1/2 x 31 Price: $495.00 Ships in 7 to 10 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM Canvas edition: 150 s/n Image size: 32 x 15 Price: $595.00 Ships in 7 to 10 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM |
ANGELS OF MERCY ![]() click on image for enlargement Countersigned by both Novosel and his son Mike,Jr. They were the only father and son team to fly in the same unit—and each had the task of rescuing each other and flying more than 8,800 wounded to safety or emergency medical treatment. |
With plexiglass fragments from his helicopter's windshield buried
in his hand, calf and thigh, Michael J . Novosel, pilot for the 82nd Medical Detachment, steadied the 'copter as another soldier pulled a wounded soldier to safety. Met by intense groundfire, Novosel still managed to save 29 soldiers by going back into enemy fire again and again. For this, he was an Army Medal of Honor recipient in the Vietnam War. This print is a fine tribute to Army aviators, their crews and the gunships that protected them. It is countersigned by both Novosel and his son Mike, Jr. They were the only father and son team to fly in the same unit—and each had the task of rescuing each other and flying more than 8,800 wounded to safety or emergency medical treatment. |
Paper edition: 1450 s/n Image size: 26 x 21 1/2 Price: $695.00 Ships in 7 to 10 days FREE SHIPPING ON THIS ITEM ARTIST'S PROOF AVAILABLE PRICE: Please call return to artist proof list |
800-477-6449 |